The Mission of the Franklin Alumni Association & Foundation is to keep Franklin graduates connected with one another and with Seattle's Franklin High School. We are committed to providing support to enhance the educational experience of Franklin students.
Franklin has had a formative impact on thousands of Quakers for more than a century. From the time the doors opened in 1912 through the present students have experienced a community that has inspired lives embracing the arts, sciences, business and social justice. Franklin graduates have had a tremendous impact - simply peruse the list of members in the Hall of Fame as evidence.
Quakers have made a difference in this world, and we can make a difference at Franklin. We want to tell the Franklin story and to assure that current students continue to have the rich experiences so many of us enjoyed when we attended Franklin. Join us!
“I plan to secure justice for the "others" in life by studying pre-law and becoming a criminal justice lawyer. Getting the proper arsenal to fight back the new norm is an accomplishment I strive to achieve.”
— AMIRA HAJI 2022 Franklin Scholarship Winner
In 1996 the work of a group of alumni, parents and students culminated in the establishment of an alumni organization to support Franklin High School. The Board meets monthly along with parent and staff representatives to fulfill our mission.
The Quaker Times newsletter is mailed to members each spring and fall and is published through our blog right here on the website!
We send emails to alumni with information about upcoming events and news.
The website calendar posts reunions and other alumni-related events. Want an event posted? Email us at faaandf@gmail.com
Our database can help alumni keep in touch with each other for class reunions and events (we do not share contact information)
Board of Directors
Deborah Burton, Board President (‘67)
Drew O’Connell, Vice President (‘97)
Dave Duryee, Treasurer (‘56)
Connie Olson, Secretary (‘88)
Anna Cronin ‘98
Heleya de Barros (‘02)
Mary Duryee (‘67) - Editor Quaker Times
Herman Houston (‘67)
Toni Mamallo-Thomas '(67)
Tamiko Miyano (‘88)
Stephanie Ragland, community member, former FHS parent
In 1995 four Franklin seniors and a Franklin parent/alum had a vision: develop a database of Franklin alumni to form a core of support for a school with a proud history. The following year the Franklin Alumni Association was incorporated and Bonnie Bosworth, that parent with a vision, was elected as the first president. By the fall of 1997 there were nearly a thousand dues-paying members and the mailing list included over 7000 names. The Association met regularly, was granted a non-profit status, approved grants and had a major fund-raising drive for band uniforms in 1998-99 with more than $34,000 collected.
In 1999 a group of parents, alumni and community members began organizing with a vision of establishing a foundation and endowment for Franklin to provide a stable funding source to the school. Following a fundraising drive and a celebratory Franklin Fest, the Franklin Foundation for Educational Excellence was established. Grant cycles were announced and a goal of one million dollars was set for the endowment.
Over the next two years it became clear that the Alumni Association and the Foundation shared the goal of supporting students and programs at Franklin. In 2003 the organizations officially merged and the Franklin Alumni Association and Foundation was established.
FAA&F ran the tile program, initiated by the PTSA with beautiful commemorative tiles lining the entry hall, until 2008. The program resumed for the centennial year (2012).
Alumni and their families have been generous to Franklin. In 2001, in memory of Paul Alexander, his brother Dan established the Alexander Endowment. Proceeds from that fund are used to support programs at Franklin that promote sexual health.
In 2006 FAA&F received generous donations from the estates of two alumni; Robert “Bud” Gilman (‘53) and Jack Tilner (‘45). The Gilman donation of $50,000 is now invested, with proceeds to provide scholarships to graduating seniors planning to study music. The Tilner donation of over $26,000 was set up to provide funding for library needs.
In 2008-2009 alumni donated money to install a much-needed electronic reader board on Rainier Avenue. Installation completed in the winter of 2013.
In 2015 the family of Roy Nakagawa ('35) established a scholarship in his name for seniors who had played football.
A volunteer board of directors oversees the activities of the organization, running a grants program, awarding scholarships and keeping alumni connected to Franklin and to each other through a twice-yearly newsletter, Facebook, email and special events.
Contact Us
general inquiries
Thanks for getting in contact! We are a 100% volunteer run board. We check email regularly, but it may take a few days to get back to you. Email: faaandf@gmail.com
Quaker times
Interest in pitching or writing an article? Email quakertimes@franklinalumni.net
Have a question about your membership or class contacts? Email membership@franklinalumni.net
P.O. Box 28276, Seattle, WA. 98118