Franklin High School Baseball 1943
It’s first helpful to check if you might already have a membership number. Go to the JOIN/DONATE button at the top right of the website. Click “Join”. Then, on the right-hand side of the screen search your name in our database. If you are already a member then you’ll show up and can renew. If you don’t see yourself, create a new account! Each year, you will get a reminder to renew your membership to the email provided.
First, see if you can find yourself in our database. Go to the JOIN/DONATE button at the top right of the website. Click “Join”. Then, on the right-hand side of the screen search your name in our database. If you are already a member then you’ll show up and can renew. If you are sure you have been a member in the past, but you still can’t find yourself, please email membership@franklinalumni.net. Include the name you think you membership should be under and your graduation year.
Argh! This happens. Please email membership@franklinalumni.net with the duplicate names and graduation years. Let us know which one you’d like to keep.
Great question! No, if you have a lifetime membership you are a lifetime member! We do appreciate additional donations to keep providing scholarships and grants to students at Franklin.
You’ll receive a print copy of the Quaker Times (published twice per year) unless you check “email only.”
Go to the JOIN/DONATE button at the top right of the website. Click “Join”. Then, on the right-hand side of the screen search your name in our database. If you are already a member then you’ll show up and can renew. If you don’t see yourself, and you’re sure you have been a member before, please email us at membership@franklinalumni.net to search. Please include your graduation year and any other names (such as your maiden name) you may be in the database as. Each year, you will get a reminder to renew your membership to the email provided.
We’re working on a better system for you to be able to do this yourself. In the meantime, if you’d like to update your contact information, please email us at membership@franklinalumni.net with the updates. Please include your full name and graduation year.
We’re working on a better system for you to be able to do this yourself. In the meantime, if you’d like to change your contact preferences, please email us at membership@franklinalumni.net with the updates. Please include your full name and graduation year.
Franklin High School Girls Soccer 2014-2015
Events/Reunions/Class Contacts
No, FAA&F does not organize class reunions. We do our best to share out the information that is shared with us. Check the events page as well as our facebook and instagram pages for any reunion updates.
We share out information as we receive it. Check the events page on the website as well as our facebook and Instagram pages and the Quaker Times for any reunion updates.
Please send us any details through email or social media. Please include the date, time, description, any costs related to the event, a photo, and any related ticket websites etc. You can reach us at faaandf@gmail.com
Email membership@franklinalumni.net and we can try to help!
Many of the scholarship applications are online available on our website on the scholarship page. If there is a paper application it can be downloaded from our website. The counselors office at Franklin has the most up to date information on scholarships as well.
Each scholarship has different criteria for eligibility. All are only open to Franklin High School graduating seniors. Please check the scholarship page for more details.
Description text goes here
please contact Barbara Mahoney bmahoney3000@icloud.com
Hall of Fame
Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis each year. Go to the nominations tab to learn more.
Nominees are typically decided by March of each year.
We put together a committee of alumni and past winners each year to panel review the nominations
The Hall of Fame dinner is held in May each year. Look at the events page for more details
Yes please! Send an email to faaandf@gmail.com to let us know how you’d like to help!